Event Director Bracken Heidenreich
Jul 31, 2022
Check out the Registered Flamingos List and Updated PSWB Choreography Contest Prizes, Rules, and FAQs
Freshened Flock Lists: The list of registered flamingos is now up to date with all registrations that were processed as of yesterday, July 30, 2022. Please check to see that your information is correct on that list (available on the registration page). Notify BrackenNCV@gmail.com if something is incorrect.
Perked Up Prize Packages: The winners' packages for the 2023 PSWB Choreography Contest have been fluffed up! Fly on over to https://www.palmspringswinterbreak.com/choreocontest for the updates. The rules have also been updated to reflect the prize options, and the PSWB Choreography Contest FAQs file is now available, too.