Event Director Bracken Heidenreich
Jan 10, 2024
Volunteers, Schedule Change, Food & Drinks, Snack Bar, Scripted Dances, Guaranteed-to-Play Dances
Another day, another fla-lingo flash! Yes, there is MORE to share with everyone.
Don’t wait to satisfy your current shade of pink curiosity - dive in!
If you know these folks in our flamboyance, please let them know our emails to them are doing playful pirouettes in the sky and bouncing back, undelivered. If they aren’t checking the website regularly for updates, they will miss key information!
Adele Russell
Patti Smith
Colleen Brown
Thuthi Kohls
Thu Pham
Pink-tastic pals, we threw out the call for volunteers, and oh my flamingos, the flood of responses was utterly dazzling! Can you believe the sea of pink feathers ready to soar into action?
THANK YOU: Debbi Fabiani, Sharon Darley, Judy Hutcheson, Holly Baral, Jerry Hensley, Hiromi Hamilton, Linda Ellis, Julie Ellis, Thu Pham, Brenda Shatto, Malia Rush, Kathe Dobson, Vickie Eaker, Angela Salcedo, Michele Laveaux, Lucretia Martuscelli, Susan Torgerson, Babs Crone, Vickie James, Greg James, Charlotte Skeeters, and Bonnie Chamberlain for signing up with our flamazing Volunteer Coordinator Peggy Hall. Peggy will arrange specific volunteer duties and schedules.
THANK YOU: Tom Hamilton and Lee LeRow for volunteering to be the muscle for setup and breakdown of the DJ equipment! SOOOO grateful for you both!
If you volunteered to be on Peggy’s schedule and I did not list you above, please let me know. We truly appreciate all our volunteers!
After a delightful dip into last year's comments, it seems a few of you lovely flamingos are craving more open dancing. Well, guess what? We're embracing the pink vibes and shaking things up! Let's flamingle and switch up the schedule, starting with a new lunch hour. We will START the lunch break with the Flockstar Q&A. After 30 minutes, we will go into about an HOUR of open dancing (instead of 25-30 minutes). How’s that for sprinkling a bit more pink magic in the mix?
The Pavilion is a City facility, so there are certain restrictions that we have smoothly followed for years at PSWB. The Pavilion is gorgeous, and the City asks very little of us in return for its use. With that in mind, you ARE welcome to bring your own food and drinks into the Pavilion, but NO ALCOHOL is allowed.
Coffee, sodas, water, and a variety of snacks will be available for purchase at the PSWB Snack Bar. As always, the PSWB Snack Bar is set up INSIDE the Pavilion - super easy to swing by and fuel up on whatever you need.
This year, ALL of the PSWB Snack Bar proceeds will go to Scouts BSA units in the desert! Sarie Gonsalves, our new PSWB Snack Bar hostess, is involved with several Scouts BSA units, ranging in age from 5 to 21 years old. Scouts BSA is the traditional Scouting experience where boys and girls can have their share of adventure in the great outdoors.
Here’s more, from Sarie (Mom to 2 Eagle Scouts, 2 Life Scouts, and 1 Wolf Scout), about what your PSWB Snack Bar purchases will help support:
“The scouts in the program get the opportunity to learn about so many different things, from citizenship and outdoor ethics, to wilderness survival and cooking, as well as a wide variety of vocations, trades, and skills.
The scouts are also very involved in community service throughout our valley, starting at the very early ages, all the way to the culmination of their Eagle service project. Our units have given back thousands of hours of community service to our valley.
Each year, the scouts are given several opportunities to go camping and apply what they’ve learned in the wilderness while learning more skills. The biggest opportunity they have is usually in a week-long summer camp. Our units this year will be attending summer camps in Idyllwild (Pack 1701 is going to Emerson), San Diego (Troops 1701 and 451 are going to Fiesta Island), and New Mexico (Crew 76 is going to Philmont). The unforgettable experiences each scout will have at camp will be paramount in helping them to grow and develop their characters, abilities, and confidence.
We really cannot express how much we appreciate your support in helping our scouts earn their way to camp this year!”
Flamingo-fab friends, make sure you catch the pink-tastic intros and fun lesson, followed by some scripted selections! Don't be fashionably late to this feathered fiesta! Pavilion doors open Thursday at 7 PM. Flockstar introductions will be at 8:30 PM.
Refresh yourself on these:
Give Me Your Tempo
I’m Free
Good As You
3 Tequila Floor
Bow Chika Wow It
Dizzy (to the original!)
OH Henry!
Would Have Loved Her
This Little Light
Higher & Higher
Devil in a Dress
Dust to Dust
Can’t Walk Away
The Wolf
CopperKnob list here: https://www.copperknob.co.uk/lists/34460/pswb-2024-thursday-scripted-dances
After the power hours, for Friday & Saturday nights, the lists below will not be played in order, but DJ Megan WILL fit them in among other requests, and they WILL be played before 10 PM.
Friday Night Guaranteed to Play Before 10 PM
Another Quickie
I Hope You Find It!
K is for Kicks
Strip It Down, Down, Down
Copperknob list here: https://www.copperknob.co.uk/lists/34654/pswb-2024-friday-night-guarantees
Saturday Night Guaranteed to Play Before 10 PM
Bittersweet Memory
Cold Heart
Doors of Life
Get It Right
Wave on Wave
Copperknob list here: https://www.copperknob.co.uk/lists/34655/pswb-2024-saturday-night-guarantee
The expression "it takes a flamboyance (village)" holds so much truth when it comes to making PSWB shine! This spectacular gathering wouldn't be possible without your enthusiastic registrations, and a huge shout-out to the incredible volunteers and staff—your time and effort paint our event pink with success! I'm beyond blessed to have dance pals like you, gracefully waltzing in to make this happen. THANK YOU for the fantastic woman power, man power, and the overall support that keeps the Palm Springs Winter Break traditions alive, where flamingos gracefully gather every January!