Bracken Heidenreich
Jan 4, 2023
Volunteers, Schedule, Check-in, Requests, and Vendors!
What tasty shrimp are in this pool of prose for you to wade in and slurp up????
How about…. Volunteers
How about…. Schedule Update
How about…. Check-in Process
How about…. Dance Requests
How about…. Shoe Vendor & Global Dance TV
Tickled your fancy pink yet? Read on!
THANK YOU to those who have already volunteered themselves (or their husbands) for help at the event!
If you haven’t chirped up yet, but would be willing to help out a bit, please contact our wonderful Volunteer Coordinator Peggy Hall (pegatha_h@yahoo.com).
Peggy is arranging volunteer shifts for everything from decorations to door monitors to registration staff and, of course, clean up.
The Palm Springs Winter Break wouldn’t be the success it is year after year without the invaluable support from flocktastic volunteers!
A great benefit of PSWB being a one-room event is that it is easy to make slight adjustments on the fly. The tentative schedule for the event is now posted here: https://www.palmspringswinterbreak.com/schedule
Times may be shifted based on actual happenings.
Don't miss out on new schedule additions for 2023:
- Thursday night fun lesson with Roy!
- Lunchtime Q&As with your flockstar staff!
- Power Hours to start Friday & Saturday nights!
More details to come on the schedule!
Stepsheet links will be added… it’s in process.
If you purchased a step sheet booklet, it will be waiting for you at the registration table. If you can’t remember if you ordered one, check the website under the PSWB registration tab - list of registered dancers. (The deadline to order a printed booklet has passed.)
As mentioned in a previous Fla-lingo Flash, due to a shift in City policy, the event insurance (required for the event to occur) is being held by a different insurance provider than in the past. The 2023 PSWB insurance provider needs each participant to sign different waiver language than on the original registration forms. The intent of the waiver language is NOT different than the language previously signed to register for the event. The insurance provider simply has a much longer worded waiver that they require us to use.
When pre-registered attendees check-in at the event, the first step will be to sign the waiver. Once the waiver is signed, the normal event check-in process will continue.
No one will be allowed to enter the event without signing the waiver (just like they do at trampoline parks and other physical activity events).
Pre-registered attendees who would like to expedite check in can print this waiver and bring a signed one to check-in at the event. (https://www.palmspringswinterbreak.com/waiver)
Please continue to send your dance requests in through this form (https://questionpro.com/t/AV0YzZvmw6). Your pre-event requests will help us plan floor splits and help your fellow flamingos see which dances need to be fluffed out and reviewed before the event. You do not have to answer every question to submit your requests. You can submit more than once. I will send out the top requests and floor splits in separate emails.
SHOES: A new representative for Grant Austin’s DANCE CONNECTION - Marialice Faubel - is planning to set up shop at PSWB 2023! How great is this?! Can’t wait to see what fabulous options Marialice will have for our dancing feet!
VIDEO: Global Dance TV will be our event videographer! I’m working with GDTV to possibly have live streaming for us and on-demand viewing of lessons for one year after the event. Another one for “more details to come!”
If you've missed any updates, please check the website: https://www.palmspringswinterbreak.com/news
- Event Director Bracken Heidenreich
January 19 - 22, 2023 in beautiful Palm Springs, California with headliners Niels Poulsen and Roy Verdonk, plus Choreography Contest Winner Britt Beresik and DJ Megan Barsuglia.
If you’re on Facebook, join the Palm Springs Winter Break group!